The first kiwi chick of the season is now safely in the creche at Lake Opouahi. On Tuesday 14 January, we conducted a raid on Mr JC’s nest and were delighted to find a feisty 10-day old chick and two eggs. Unfortunately, one of the eggs had died during the embryo stage. The other had all the signs of a viable 65-day-old egg, so off to the Gallagher Kiwi Burrow in Taupō it went for incubation and hatching.
Mr JC’s current breeding partner ‘Duffy’ produces very small eggs and chicks due to her young age (and size). However small (just 190 grams), this chick showed all the signs of being healthy – strong legs and a dirty beak, which indicated it had been foraging.
Helping us out on this trip were first time nest-raiders Max Russell and Lexie, who were both blown away by the experience and very excited to meet Mr JC and his offspring.
After the Kaweka leg of the operation was complete, and the chick was weighed, measured, dosed, and fitted with a transmitter. Marilyn and Peter took over and transported the chick to Lake Opouahi for release.
(When we release the new chicks, we put up a little tent among the ferns to make a nest for the night. We line the tent with ferns and some of the leaves from the transportation box, helping them feel safer.)
Mr JC’s chick stayed quiet and still as Marilyn and Peter wished them well with a short waiata and walked away.
‘Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu’ This chick is small and precious.
We’ll be seeing them soon for a health check!
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