Banner Photo: Grant Russell from Stantec holding kiwi chick ‘Stanley’
Meet Stanley, our first chick release for the season. Deb had the pleasure of taking Grant Russell (and son Brodie) from Stantec, together with Reece O’Leary and Angelo from PanPac out to release ‘Stanley’ and ‘Pip’ back into the Kawekas. Stantec has sponsored Stanley under the Operation Nest Egg programme.
Stanley and Pip were retrieved as eggs from the Kaweka forest park last September under ONE. They’ve been lovingly raised at the Save the Kiwi Westshore crèche for us since hatching.
Stanley has been fitted with a transmitter and we’ll monitor his progress in the hope he’ll eventually breed. Pip, being a girl, has been released without transmitter.
It’s a huge team effort to get these little guys and gals back into the hills. Many thanks go to our volunteers for the hard yards in the field, and our sponsors, without which we wouldn’t be able to achieve what we do.
#panpacforestproducts #stantec #savethekiwi #departmentofconservation
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