The ECOED governance board is made up of volunteers who are independent and do not act on behalf of any organisation. The trust’s Deed of Incorporation requires at least one teacher trustee to ensure our educational link is strong.
ECOED is a lean, volunteer trust with just one partly-funded position of an administrator, Deb Harrington, whose tasks also include managing pest control and caretaking for the kiwi crèche at Lake Opouahi Scenic Reserve.
The SOKK programme is carried out with support and expert technical advice from DoC, Massey University, Save the Kiwi, Pukaha Mt Bruce and Kiwi Encounter.
The support of iwi and the communities of Puketitiri and Tutira continues to be invaluable.
Volunteers donate more than 4500 hours a year to meet the operational demands of SOKK programmes. This commitment is essential to success.